Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cupcakes with Cami

So on my break, I often find that I just hang around the house with my little sister and relax... Cami is 3 and a half and sooo cute! She's learning how to spell words, so I often play Boggle Jr. with her.
This afternoon, Cami and I decided to bake some cupcakes. You know, the boxed kind with confetti sprinkles in the mix... just add water, oil, etc. She is the cutest thing, and she talks on and on while she mixes, pours, stirs. I told her she was doing very well and she would probably be a great chef when she grew up. She then informed me (very seriously, I might add) that she won't be a chef when she grows up, but instead (duh!) a superhero princess. She will be able to fly and live in a big castle... isn't she ambitious! ;)
Gotta run... that's the oven timer!


  1. OMG! I miss her like crazy!!! That sounds like so much fun! "Duh! a superhero princess." LOL

  2. aha, look who dropped in a made a blog :)

  3. Great Story, what are you going to be when you grow up? I still haven't decided. Superhero princess would be great, but I married Goofy, so....

  4. By the way MAP is mary ann, but you probably know that
